Tuesday, January 8, 2013

From the East to the Easy

I am absolutely thrilled to be attending the New Orleans trip again this year. I feel like I have been waiting forever and cannot believe that this time of year has finally come around again. I can't wait to be challenge physically, mentally, and emotionally once again!

This year's trip seems to have a completeness to it, doing service in Hurricane Sandy affected areas and then in Hurricane Katrina affected areas, that will make it an experience unlike my last NOLA experience. In the next two weeks I will get my hands dirty in an area that still suffers immediate need after the hurricane just months ago and in an area that is still suffering after more than seven years of rebuilding efforts. There was much controversy over what to do regarding this trip at Bonner, and I believe that we have made the right choice in attempting to help both areas. Yes, we must help the people who are struggling in our own back yard, but we must also not forget the dedication we have made to those still struggling further away. It will certainly be interesting to compare, not the difference in the physical impacts of both Hurricane Sandy and Hurricane Katrina, but to compare the way in which the world responded.

I cannot wait to get started working! I have wanted to dedicate some time to Sandy victims for some time now and New Orleans is a city that holds a special place in my heart. The next two weeks will surely be an opportune time to put in some honest hours of work towards a worthy cause, learn about our society, governance, and citizenship, and have meaningful conversations about it all. (Oh, and have the time of my life in a truly amazing city!)

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