Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Small tasks, Big Results

The first couple days in New Orleans have been alot of fun. Aside from the eye catching city life, easy going culture, good food, and great fellowship the thing that i find most appealing is the constant pesistence residents have to renew their community after the storm. Seven years later, and there is still a great amount of work! Our first day of work we were assigned to a house that was dry walled the week prior. The homeowner is a woman named Rosemary who was the victim of contractor fraud. After the first contractor was put behind bars the second simply did not finish the job. She wants a house that she can live in with her grandchildren and great grand children and she only had an empty shell. By the end of the week I hope to change all that. I spent most of the time working on a small piece of drywall that had many pipes sticking out of it. I had to cut out the pipe sections so the drywall would fit smoothly. I promise it's harder than it sounds! I continually had to change my pieces and I broke two of them! I was getting so frustrated throughout the day but I kept going. I knew this section of the wall would just be behind the sink so it would not be as visable as other parts of the house but I wanted to do the best job I could. Rosemary deserves the best house I can create for her and that includes hidden walls behind the sink. Finally, at the very end of the day I got my piece to fit! Although this seems like a small victory its yeilds great results. My favorite part of the day was being able to hear alot of other bonners around the house working together to finish other small goals. Together we are making a huge difference. Although i have not met Rosemary yet, i am eagerly awaiting to hear more about her story. As for now i am satisfied knowing that our work is going to a much deserved client with a big family and abounding hope for the future!

 Now off the the French Quarter to get beignet!


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